The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 9

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 9 release date

The sixth season of the TV series "The Walking Dead," which airs on the cable channel AMC, has been decided to be split into 2 parts. The break point precisely became the gap between the 8th and 9th episode.

According to the creators of the TV series, they will not torture the viewers with a long pause and will show the ninth episode on Valentine's Day - February 14, 2016. The hiatus in the season is attributed to a planned move to maintain the popularity of the show, as a new episode of the zombie TV series has been released almost every week since August 2015 on the channel. In addition, a spin-off plot called "Fear the Walking Dead" has been added to the list of shows airing on AMC.

What will happen in the final part of Season 6

The show "The Walking Dead" is entering a new phase - the sky-high Alexandria is destroyed by the end of the eighth episode. The fence that has long been holding back the zombies collapsed and a large part of the community's population was annihilated. Rick Grimes takes on the responsibility of leading the survivors out of the area and they use an old trick of smearing themselves with the insides of the infected for camouflage. The intensity of the plot increases even more after Abraham, Daryl, and Sasha encounter a gang called "The Saviors" led by Negan in the final scene. The outcome of this encounter will be shown in the continuation of the series in February.

If we rely on the comic book data, viewers can expect a smooth transition of the plot line to the Hilltop community, where there are ten times more survivors. This also means an expansion of the cast.

Episode Promotional Trailer


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