In the spring of 2017, the long-awaited second season of the TV series "Zakon Kamennykh Dzhungley" (The Law of Stone Jungles), written by Ilya Kulikov, will be aired on TNT channel. Read our article to find out if there will be a continuation of this crime TV series and when its premiere will take place.
The fate of the TV series "ZKD" from TNT entirely depends on the ratings that the project receives during its airing. The share of the target audience of 18-49 years old during the broadcast of the first season of this TV show significantly increased the channel's profits and ratings, which led to the filming of the second season already in the middle of 2015. If the success doesn't abandon "Zakon Kamyennykh Dzhungley", then the filming of the third season of the series will begin in a year, and the premiere will take place in the first half of 2020.
What will happen in the 3rd season
Zhuk, Chyopa, and Tim once again got involved in Vadik's dirty business and found themselves behind bars. First of all, they will have to face the law for a trunk full of drugs and the lifeless body of their friend. Together, the guys will have to arrange their adult lives. It is quite likely that Zhuk and his girlfriend Irina will live together and build a family happiness. Goofy has to solve the mystery of his friends, who worked for the gangster Pulemeta, to the very end. Tim has problems with his parents, who see that he has gone down the wrong path. Kostya Tsyplyakov ended up in the lair of the local criminal world and becomes the leader of a Moscow gang, which "supports" the Chertanovo district.
The filming process for the new part will stretch for more than half a year, as it was with the first and second seasons of "ZKD". As photos from the filming appear, we will try to add them to this post and update the information about the next part of the story about ordinary guys who wanted to become gangsters, rap, friendship, and love.
The TV series "Zakon Kamyennykh Dzhungley" started on the TNT channel in the spring of 2015. In total, there were 8 episodes in the first season, and 16 in the second, each lasting approximately 40 minutes. The show's script tells the story of five Moscow teenagers who get involved in the criminal business of the capital.
When will Season 3 of Zakon kamennykh dzhunglei be released
Ep. number | Episode name | Release date |
03x01 | 07 March 2022 | |
03x02 | 08 March 2022 | |
03x03 | 09 March 2022 | |
03x04 | 10 March 2022 | |
03x05 | 14 March 2022 | |
03x06 | 15 March 2022 | |
03x07 | 16 March 2022 | |
03x08 | 17 March 2022 |