Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 1

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 1 release date

A representative of the film studio Fremulon has revealed that the first episode of the 6th season of the drama project "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" will be available in September 2018.

The final of the 6th part will be shown on the channel "Fox" in May 2019. The main character of the comedy TV series is a cute guy who doesn't take anything seriously.

What will be shown in the 1st episode of the 7th season

The key character works for the government. He works in the police department and successfully solves complex crimes. Jacob cannot boast of particular discipline and is a headache for his immediate supervisor. Peralta doesn't strive to advance in his career as he is completely satisfied with the current state of affairs. He categorically refuses to grow up and loves to periodically come up with and implement ambiguous tricks. The newly appointed boss suffers the most from his self-will. Captain Holt hopes to tame his insufferable subordinate and put him in his place. Ray is extremely concerned that the negligent employee does not recognize his authoritative opinion and does not take his critical remarks about him seriously. Despite their inability to establish contact, they do not get upset and dream of changes. They have to collaborate and carry out difficult missions, catching dangerous criminals.

The main roles were played by: Andre Broger, who appeared in the films "Player" and "Primal Fear", Melissa Fumero, noticed in the TV series "Gossip Girl" and "Dear Doctor", Andy Samberg, who appeared in the films "Classmates 2" and "Break" and other actors.

The premiere took place on September 17, 2013. More than 100 episodes were shot. The main focus of the narrative is the eccentric law enforcement employees who try to find common ground.

Episode Promotional Trailer

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7 Episode 1

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