Mazhor Season 4 Episode 15

Mazhor Season 4 Episode 15 release date

Aleksey Lvovich, the executive producer of the detective drama "Mazhor", has shared the desire to present Episode 15 of Season 4 in April 2022 on Channel One.

Throughout all seasons, one of the key components of the success of this long-playing story has been a huge number of stunt acts. In most cases, their execution was entrusted to professional stuntmen. However, some of the characters were absolutely not against trying themselves in a new role and showing their agility.

Plot of Season 4 Episode 15

Rodionova had to understand firsthand how difficult it is to raise a newborn baby on her own. Despite a bunch of accumulated problems, the energetic girl does not give up and continues moving in the chosen direction. Sokolovskiy lives in the same apartment as Katerina, but at the first opportunity, he visits Vika and helps her with the baby. Igor was able to regain the enterprise that belonged to his deceased parent. However, the hardworking guy is not going to sit in a stuffy office. The young man realized that his true calling is to search for criminals. He knows that the work of a law enforcement officer is extremely difficult and dangerous, but despite the significant risk, he continues to perform it at a high level.

The main roles are played by: Andrey Pogrebinsky, known for his roles in the TV series "Brotherhood of the Airborne Troops" and "Militsiya Saga," Pavel Priluchny, who appeared in the projects "Club" and "On the Game," Vadim Dubrovin, who appeared in the TV shows "Defiant" and "Detective Stories," and other actors.

New faces are periodically added to the cast. For example, the team recently welcomed the outstanding Ukrainian artist Vladimir Seleznev, who participated in the feature films "I am Happy" and "Wanderers." He fit perfectly into the character of Valery Simonenko.

Episode Promotional Trailer

Mazhor Season 4 Episode 15

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