Olga Season 4 Episode 2

Olga Season 4 Episode 2 release date

Pavel Oreshin, the creative producer of the successful project "Olga," revealed that episode 2 of season 4 will be shown to the public in autumn 2019 on the channel "TNT."

The young parents, Anka and her fiance, had three babies at once. Operators and other members of the film crew surrounded each infant with attention and sincerely cared about their well-being.

What will be shown in Season 4, Episode 2

Olga can't believe that the shy and indecisive worker Grisha refused to continue their romance and announced that he no longer has warm feelings. The guy chose not to deceive his partner and broke up with her. During the difficult conversation, he did not choose appropriate words and expressed everything in a quite rude manner. The adult woman is trying to recover from the shock and move on. She has to raise her children who have stopped listening to her authoritative opinion. Anka is not eager to reconcile with the irresponsible chosen one who abandoned their little heir and went to work. The young lady informed her beloved that she is not going to patiently wait for his return and will look for a new boyfriend.

The key roles were played by: Gosha Kutsenko, known for the feature films "Zapovednik" and "Glubina", Alina Alekseeva, who played in the series "Druzhba narodov" and "Vechny otpusk", Ksenia Surkova, who took part in the films "Odna voyna" and "Elizium", and other actors.

Prior to filming in this show, Yana Troyanova refused to participate in long-lasting stories, preferring feature films. She received several prestigious awards for her acting. Portraying the main character in the popular TV series had a positive impact on her future career. The actress started to be recognized on the street, and the famous glossy magazine "GQ" awarded her the title "Woman of the Year" in 2017.

Episode Promotional Trailer

Olga Season 4 Episode 2

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