Currently, television and online services are closely focused on producing multi-series projects, never before have so many series been released. The new year 2018 will bring us a lot of novelties, the most anticipated of which we will consider in this article.
Altered Carbon - Netflix (02.02.2018)
The Alienist - TNT Drama (22.01.2018)
Mosaic - HBO (22.01.2018)
The Terror - AMC (26.03.2018)
Star Wars: Underworld - Disney (15.12.2018)

Fantastic series by Uta Brixwitz, Nick Harran and Peter Hora.
Earth in the 27th century. In the world of the future, a unique opportunity has emerged to completely transfer human consciousness from one body to another. This discovery provides a wonderful opportunity for the richest people on the planet to experience unexplored emotions, and sometimes even save their souls. Humanity has divided into two groups, some are against this invasion of nature, some support the new technology. In this world, which is evolving rapidly before our eyes, many people in dangerous professions have gained additional chances of survival. However, it also affected criminals, who are now more free and less afraid of their own death. A former special forces fighter named Takeshi Kovacs is in desperate need of a job. He is approached by a famous man. A multimillionaire named Bancroft is concerned about the mysterious death of one of his backup bodies. All the evidence points to suicide, and the police are not going to investigate. Bancroft is convinced that it was a planned murder. For a good reward, the former special forces soldier must find out the truth and report it to the enigmatic billionaire.

The series is based on a book with the same name, which was published in 1994. The author of the novel is also the executive producer of this project.
End of the 19th century. The huge New York City is shaken by a series of brutal crimes that have occurred in the local slums. The victims of an unknown maniac are children. This fact in itself is monstrous. However, even more shocking is the method of murder. It is constantly changing, and with each crime it becomes more and more brutal. It creates the impression that the maniac is writing a novel, which tells about some bloody ritual. Time goes by, but the crimes do not stop, on the contrary, there are more and more of them. Even adults do not hurry to go out into the streets. The investigation is carried out by a team of specialists in various fields. The commission of the local police is named Theodore Roosevelt, the one who years later will become the president of the United States and enter world history. He is helped by an alienist named Laszlo Kreizler. In those distant years, alienists were called doctors who studied psychiatry. They work together with a reporter who has his own criminal column in a well-known newspaper. This brave man is named John Moore. Together, they hope to uncover the identity of the killer.

The main role in the series is played by the famous Sharon Stone, known for her films: Basic Instinct, Sliver, Casino, The Specialist
Olivia Lake is a successful author in the world of children's literature, who in addition to writing, creates magnificent illustrations for her own works. A mysterious murder occurs in the city. To the surprise of the millions of fans of the famous writer around the world, the police have a version that Olivia may be directly related to it. This is due to the woman's communication with two suspicious characters, who also arouse the interest of the investigators. The detectives cannot catch not only the murderer, but even determine exactly how the murder happened, and what weapon of death was used by the unknown. There are many mysteries and no answers. This series is an experimental project, closely related to the World Wide Web. Each viewer in a specialized application can switch between characters and receive only the information available to them. Thus, the plot will be non-linear, and each viewer will be able to come up with their own ending, possibly different from the director's vision.

The series was filmed on an island called Pag, located in Croatia.
It is the year 1845. A large-scale expedition led by the most experienced explorer, John Franklin, sets off on two ships to the northern shores of Canada. The brave traveler is a huge specialist in the Arctic and other cold areas of the planet Earth. It seems that the cold no longer scares his skin, and he enjoys it as if it were a light sea breeze. This expedition has a clear goal, which, if successfully completed, will bring them not only fame but also tangible material rewards. They need to accurately determine the place where it is possible to pass from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific in the North. Suddenly, the explorers disappear without a trace. No one can determine what caused the tragedy in which experienced sailors, accustomed to various difficulties, could not cope with the task and disappeared without a trace. There is a version that they collided with a monster that inhabits extreme cold conditions and therefore unknown to science. This creature possesses enormous aggression and hunts down all uninvited guests. It is difficult to stop it even with firearms.

One of the scriptwriters is the famous George Lucas. The multi-series version of the famous franchise has been eagerly awaited for many years, and this year viewers will be shown the continuation of the interplanetary saga.
This series will tell about the formation of the Empire throughout the Galaxy. About how its leaders, understanding the importance of controlling all aspects of public life, tried to bring them under their control. They gained the support of criminal bosses and with their help began to establish their own rules. They dealt with all the dissidents through trained and ruthless mercenaries. Few daredevils tried to challenge them, knowing the heavy consequences it could lead to. Special attention of the Empire is focused on the city called Coruscant. Several mafia bosses are acting here, for whom there are no laws and restrictions. However, despite the total pressure in the city, a group of brave warriors emerges, challenging both crime and the soldiers of the Empire who actively support it. Several serious clashes end with the victory of the nameless squad of Avengers who use lightsabers. This forces the mafia to throw their best forces in search of brave warriors. They not only want to destroy the enemy, but also to learn his secrets. However, the brave heroes intend to give the enemy a worthy rebuff again, because they have big plans ahead.
Which series would you add to this list? Write in the comments to the post.