In 2016, following the TV series, the "IVD Kino" studio will release the film "The Last Guardian of Belovodiye," which continues the script of the story.
In the role of Kirill Andreev will be Sasha Petrov, who stars in the original TV show. The film tells the story of a teacher from a higher educational institution in Russia who discovers a terrible secret that has been hidden from ordinary people for centuries. The world is divided into parallel realities in which magic exists and creatures that have never been seen before. Kirill gained superpowers after entering an ancient abandoned temple. This does not please the ancient patrons who are trying to seize power over the universe and destroy humanity.
The only way to save the planet is to reach the mythical land of Belovodie, where the secret of other worlds will be unraveled and the balance of power on Earth will be restored. But the path to this place, which cannot be found on the map, is treacherous and full of difficulties, especially since Andreev is the most wanted person.
The premiere of the film is planned for the end of 2016, even though filming has been underway since January 2015. The screenplay and filming were directed by the Bedarev brothers, who played a direct role in creating the entire idea.