The BBC television channel, following the recent release of a New Year's special episode of the detective series "Sherlock," hurried to disappoint the viewers - the fourth season will not be released before 2017.
In such a huge hiatus, they blame the actors who simply don't allow filming new episodes with their schedule. However, the Christmas premiere of the episode titled "Ugly Bride" was very difficult for the filming crew.
The script for the fourth season of the series "Sherlock" is already fully prepared, the fifth part is in the process of being written, according to the project's head writer Steven Moffat. Therefore, it will be possible to watch such a successful creation in the near future, but not earlier than next year.
Remember that "Sherlock Holmes" from BBC is an adaptation of Arthur Conan Doyle's works set in our time. The pilot episode was shown on July 25, 2010, which caused a sensation and a lot of excitement around the new TV series. Unfortunately, the creation of this already short detective show took a whole three years.