Riverdale Season 4 Episode 1

Riverdale Season 4 Episode 1 release date

Sarah Schechter, the executive producer of the "Riverdale" project, has announced that the first episode of the fourth season will be shown in October 2019.

The finale of Season 3 will be shown to viewers in the spring of 2019 by "The CW" channel. The story revolves around four brave classmates who are trying to bring peace back to their beloved town.

Announcement of Season 4 Episode 1

The main characters are finishing their education in school, but what worries them the most is not passing important exams, but the fate of the town. After Mr. Lodge was released and settled in a huge mansion with his wife and daughter, he launched an extensive PR campaign in hopes of seizing power. The wealthy businessman acquired dubious allies and managed to earn relentless enemies. One of his foes became the boyfriend of his only child. Even Veronica stopped supporting her cunning father and sided with Andrews. The parent sought revenge and framed Archie for committing a heinous crime. The trial began. The worried boy eagerly awaited the verdict of the jury. He was aware that he could prove his own innocence and contemplated making a deal. His loyal friends did not abandon him during his difficult times. Meanwhile, thugs started dividing territories, and an unknown monster appeared in the district. The mysterious creature is exterminating the peaceful population in a ritualistic manner.

The leading roles feature: Marisol Nichols, known for her roles in "Storm" and "The Cross", Luke Perry, involved in feature films "It's Hound!" and "Dragon Warriors", Lily Reinhart, who appeared in movies "Good Neighbor" and "Kings of Summer", and other artists.

The premiere took place on January 26, 2017. 57 episodes have been released. The plot revolves around energetic high school students who are desperately fighting for a happy future.

Episode Promotional Trailer

Riverdale Season 4 Episode 1

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