On Wednesday, March 22, 2017, the channel TNT will air the 3rd episode of the 2nd season of the TV series "Law of the Stone Jungles" by Igor Khomsky. Find out in our article what awaits young criminals for their misdeeds.
The premiere of the second part of the TV show ZKD rightfully became one of the most anticipated events of this year. The quite long shooting process allowed Russian filmmakers to create a masterpiece on the level of Hollywood blockbusters. Creating a continuation of the crime drama, in which Nikita Pavlenko, Aristarkh Venes, Sasha Petrov, and Igor Ogurtsov starred, took almost two years.
Preview of the 3rd episode of the 2nd season - Victory or Death
The guys give half of the wheels to the guys who drag them from the neighborhood, because they have good intentions. They receive 400 thousand rubles for their work at the service, which they divide successfully. Tim immediately goes for a new dose to Zhanna's place, where he gets not only the drug. He can no longer get off cocaine. Liza takes Gosh's money to the bank and gives him the key. Ira meets her stepmother on the street, who is trying to retrieve her lover's statement from the police. Tsyopa cannot find his father, whom Vadik took away in an unknown direction the day before. Gucci calls Lena from an unknown number on behalf of Igor, using a voice modulator. Vadik asks the guys to hijack a BMW 7 series from the parking lot and destroy it in an empty lot, paying 100 thousand rubles for it. The gang splits up - Zhuk and Gosh do not go on the mission. Ira came to her stepmother's place to kick her out of her own apartment.
The premiere screening of the Law of the Stone Jungles for the TNT channel is one of the highest priority tasks, as the rating of the TV series is incredibly high. There are also problems with the show - due to age restrictions of "16+", new episodes have to be shown on air after 10 pm. Also, many conscious parents express their protest notes to the new show, believing that all the problems of our society arise from "wrong" TV programs.