Alexander Tsekalo, the producer of the popular TV show "Mazhor," announced that the 9th episode of the 3rd season will be available to watch on "Perviy Kanal" on November 7, 2018.
As with many multi-part films, this story is not without film mistakes. Often these are insignificant details. For example, in the final episode of the first part, the color of the bedding in the hospital ward, where one of the key characters was supposed to be lying, changed.
Announcement of Season 3 Episode 9
Fisher launched an attack and tried to repeat the scenario with the murder of his wife and daughter by Ignatiev many years ago. Only Katya survives the train crossing, while her mother dies from being hit by a train. Only by chance is the girl saved from death, which also makes her join the ranks of those fighting against Konstantin's arbitrariness. Meanwhile, in the department, they investigate the murder of a man who was hanged on a crane boom. The special equipment is located on the territory of an elite construction site, so the site director misleads the detectives with the assumption of suicide in order to continue work faster. But by digging a little deeper into the victim's environment (consumer rights lawyer Alexey Avdeev), Sokolovsky learns that the boy's close ones are involved in the case. A discrepancy in the testimonies helps put the guilty behind bars.
Talented actors Pavel Priluchny, star of the crime dramas "Crime" and "Freud's Method", Igor Chernevich, who participated in the series "Miller" and "Front", Alexander Oblasov, who appeared in the films "Leo and the Hurricane" and "Corridor of Immortality", and other artists successfully embody the central characters.
The single of the renowned British rock band called "Alt+J" was used as the soundtrack for the TV series. It is noteworthy that this is not the first experience of a joint collaboration between a foreign music group and companies creating masterpieces of cinema. Previously, they collaborated with foreign film producers and wrote songs for projects such as "My Crazy Boyfriend" and "Girls".