The First Channel plans to show the continuation of the series "Metod Freida" in May 2015, which caused a sensation in 2013. The new season will also consist of 12 episodes, which will tell the further fate of psychologist Roman Freidin and the employees of the prosecutor's office.
As you may have guessed, the main character of the show continues his career in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The second part of the show tells about a series of crimes, possibly committed intentionally by women. A closer examination of the criminals sheds light on the whole situation and sometimes proves the hopelessness of the situation. Even the employees of the prosecution understand the actions of the criminals. The majority of new investigations reduce the plot to the idea of the imperfection and injustice of the current way of life, in which patriarchy reigns and women's rights are not protected.
The exact premiere date of the second season of the series "Metod Freida" has not been announced yet, but the shooting process has already been completed. It is possible that new episodes will have to be waited for until 2016.
When will Season 2 of Metod Freida be released
Ep. number | Episode name | Release date |
02x01 |
Season 2 episode 1
28 May 2015 |
02x02 |
Season 2 episode 2
29 May 2015 |
02x03 |
Season 2 episode 3
01 June 2015 |
02x04 |
Season 2 episode 4
02 June 2015 |
02x05 |
Season 2 episode 5
03 June 2015 |
02x06 |
Season 2 episode 6
04 June 2015 |
02x07 |
Season 2 episode 7
05 June 2015 |
02x08 |
Season 2 episode 8
08 June 2015 |
02x09 |
Season 2 episode 9
09 June 2015 |
02x10 |
Season 2 episode 10
10 June 2015 |
02x11 |
Season 2 episode 11
11 June 2015 |
02x12 |
Season 2 episode 12
12 June 2015 |