"Crime" is a TV series directed by Maxim Vasilenko. Its premiere took place on "Russia 1" - the central state channel on July 24, 2017. In just 5 days, 20 episodes were shown. The release date of the second season before the beginning of summer 2019 will not be announced.
Currently, we do not have any information about the start of the filming process. The series is a detective story in the form of a psychological drama. Its distinct feature is not the spectacle on the screen, but the quiet horror of unfolding events. Fans are eagerly awaiting the continuation of this thrilling detective with Priluchny in the lead role.
What awaits viewers in the new episodes
The series "Prestuplenie" is planned to have 2 seasons. The creators were inspired by the American film "The Killing", but they found it not dynamic enough, so they cut the events in half for their version. However, this is not the primary difference from the foreign counterpart: both the first and second seasons of "Prestuplenie" are adapted to our Russian way of life. For example, in the American version, the protagonist constantly chewed gum, while the character in our film - a candy called "Golden Key".
The success of the show was guaranteed by the star-studded cast of the project: Pavel Priluchny played Andrey Chistyaov, Moroz Darya got the role of Sasha Moskvina, and Sofia Ozerova and Andrey Smolyakov portrayed Tanya and Igor Lavrov, respectively.
As for the planned episodes, it is logical to assume that if there were 44 episodes in four seasons of "The Killing", the number of episodes in "Prestuplenie" will hardly exceed 20. The script of the film is based on the story of a girl's murder, which, although initially seemed like a typical criminal incident, turned out to be a very complicated case. The characters have to suspect not just one or three people of the murder, but dozens of individuals.
When will Season 2 of Prestuplenie be released
Ep. number | Episode name | Release date |
02x01 |
Season 2 episode 1
22 July 2019 |
02x02 |
Season 2 episode 2
22 July 2019 |
02x03 |
Season 2 episode 3
22 July 2019 |
02x04 |
Season 2 episode 4
22 July 2019 |
02x05 |
Season 2 episode 5
23 July 2019 |
02x06 |
Season 2 episode 6
23 July 2019 |
02x07 |
Season 2 episode 7
23 July 2019 |
02x08 |
Season 2 episode 8
23 July 2019 |
02x09 |
Season 2 episode 9
24 July 2019 |
02x10 |
Season 2 episode 10
24 July 2019 |
02x11 |
Season 2 episode 11
24 July 2019 |
02x12 |
Season 2 episode 12
24 July 2019 |
02x13 |
Season 2 episode 13
25 July 2019 |
02x14 |
Season 2 episode 14
25 July 2019 |
02x15 |
Season 2 episode 15
25 July 2019 |
02x16 |
Season 2 episode 16
25 July 2019 |
02x17 |
Season 2 episode 17
26 July 2019 |
02x18 |
Season 2 episode 18
26 July 2019 |
02x19 |
Season 2 episode 19
26 July 2019 |
02x20 |
Season 2 episode 20
26 July 2019 |