The Walking Dead Season 9 Episode 9

The Walking Dead Season 9 Episode 9 release date

Robert Kirkman, the executive producer of the post-apocalyptic creation "The Walking Dead," announced that the release of episode 9 of season 9 is scheduled for spring 2019.

The final episode of the 8th season will be aired on the "AMC" channel in the spring of 2018. The release of this masterpiece is one of the most exciting and anticipated events that will happen in the film industry.

Announcement of the 9th season, 9th episode

In addition to the main character having to fight ruthless monsters that exist to drink the blood of defenseless people, he has to think about how to resolve the conflict situation with a hastily formed gang. The desire of certain individuals, who have leadership ambitions, to stand out from the crowd and use zombie attacks for personal enrichment, has led to a real carnage between the created communities. Fearless Rick becomes the leader of one of them. The man directs all his forces to prevent his wards from quarreling and to be able to live in normal conditions. He provides them with food and tries to protect them from various dangers. His uncompromising rival has organized his own community and became its leader. He has gathered around him thugs and mercenaries for whom killing people is a usual thing.

The lead roles were played by Andrew Lincoln, who appeared in the full-length films "Wuthering Heights" and "Enduring Love", Norman Reedus, who appeared in the films "I Lose You" and "Mutants", Alanna Masterson, who participated in the TV shows "University" and "First Day", and other artists.

The premiere was released on October 31, 2010. 124 episodes were produced. The survivors after the monstrous apocalypse are preparing for an uncompromising war, and none of them knows how this great confrontation will turn out.

Episode Promotional Trailer


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