Game Of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6

Game Of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 release date

Find out when the 6th episode of the 7th season of the Game of Thrones will be released

The penultimate, 6th episode of the 7th season of Game of Thrones will be presented to viewers in August 2017. What awaits the kingdom described in the books of George Martin, you can see in this article.

There is only one week left until the finale of the saga, so the events around the Iron Throne will heat up. But there won't be a complete ending, because by 2018, HBO plans to film and show the eighth season of "Game of Thrones".

Announcement of the 6th episode of the 7th season

Jon Snow decides to take a daring action: he wants to get behind the White Walkers to capture one of these creatures. Along with his squad, he is surrounded by the Night King and his army in the middle of a frozen lake. The hero has no chance of survival, despite unexpectedly being supported by the Targaryens with their dragons. During the battle, she loses Viserion, who is turned into an ice dragon. Benjen Stark, who is partially a White Walker, will also appear in the battle. Jon escapes the threat on his horse. The Night's Watch is also attacked at the Wall. Daenerys can no longer deny the threat from the North, as she has seen everything with her own eyes.
After the invasion of Khalisi Daenerys Targaryen and her dragons into Westeros, a bloody massacre began throughout the territory. The current holder of power is waiting in horror for the invasion of these nomadic tribes into fortified cities. It seems that Cersei Baratheon's rule and the Lannisters are coming to an end. In addition, the cast will significantly thin out, with many inhabitants of the Great Houses falling into the grinder, as was the case with the Stark family. Will the Targaryens be able to rule over Westeros again? Viewers will find out by the end of the seventh part of the show.

HBO management promises viewers a spectacular ending to this multi-series drama. Showrunners Dan Weiss and David Benioff previously announced that the 7th and 8th seasons could be the final ones in this story.

Episode Promotional Trailer

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