Krepkaia bronia Season 2

Krepkaia bronia Season 2 release date

Movie studio BUBBLEGUM PRODUCTION has shared information that the broadcast of the 2nd season of the drama TV series "Strong Armor" will take place in 2021.

The final of Season 1 is expected to be released in mid-2020. The action takes place during difficult wartime.

Season 2 plot spoilers

The sudden outbreak of the Great Patriotic War brought many disasters. The people tried not to lose heart and united for the sake of justice triumph. The people sincerely believed that the German army must be defeated and performed heroic deeds for the country. Every person fought for their bright future, defending the interests of loved ones. They were not afraid to resist fascist soldiers and defended their homeland at the cost of their own lives. Among the brave were those who did not rush to share the optimistic mood of their compatriots and did not believe in the long-awaited victory. Many crossed over to the enemy side and leaked important information. Thus, traitors tried to save their own skins. In such challenging conditions, the young student Rusakov decides to fulfill his duty to the Motherland and goes to the front. Before that, he was fortunate enough to meet a charming young lady who captured all his thoughts. The young man hopes that he will be able to return home alive and unite his destiny with the lovely girl. But before that cherished day, he will have to go through a series of trials and be hardened in battles.

The main roles are played by: Konstantin Beloshapka, known for the TV series "Code of Honor" and "The Eighties", Darya Melnikova, a star of the films "Steel Butterfly" and "Invisible", Vera Smolina, who appeared in the films "Gift" and "Love Without Rules", and other actors.

The premiere episode is scheduled for 2018. 8 episodes have been filmed. The main character goes to a dangerous place where the struggle for territories does not cease.

When will Season 2 of Krepkaia bronia be released

Ep. number Episode name Release date
Season 2 episode 1
26 August 2021
Season 2 episode 2
26 August 2021
Season 2 episode 3
27 August 2021
Season 2 episode 4
27 August 2021
Season 2 episode 5
28 August 2021
Season 2 episode 6
28 August 2021

Trailer of Season 2

Video about season 2 of  tv series

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