Valor release date
The series is produced by "CBS Television Studios". The military drama of the fall of 2017 tells the story of an elite squad of pilots called upon to carry out secret operations within and beyond the borders of the state. One of the pilots is a young and brave girl. The multi-series film is among the most anticipated.
Nora is not one of the housewives, educators, teachers, or doctors who create comfort and care in the home and beyond. She has chosen the opposite profession, dressing in camouflage on par with men, leaving behind a cozy home hearth. Naturally beautiful and courageous, she is a first-class helicopter pilot, upon whom the life of the entire team depends. And if the hour comes, she is ready to fight with bandits, leaving the controls. The military's task is to rescue their captive comrades in Somalia, who were previously believed to be dead. Jimmy Kema managed to contact his loved ones and inform them of the dire situation. The enemy of the US Army is Khalid Samatar, who not only won a fierce battle but also has an informant among the soldiers of the elite forces. Nora, along with her partner Gallo, is ready to dive into battle to expose the treacherous spy publicly and seeks to obtain the most difficult mission. She gives her word to the Kema family that she will return their father and husband unharmed. However, few suspect that the woman is addicted to drugs and may jeopardize the mission at a critical moment.
Release date of Valor TV Series
Episode Number | Episode Name | Release Date | |
01x13 |
Season 1 Episode 13 - Costs of War
29.01.2018 | |
01x12 |
Season 1 Episode 12 - Oscar Mike
22.01.2018 | |
01x11 |
Season 1 Episode 11 - Command & Control
15.01.2018 | |
01x10 |
Season 1 Episode 10 - Ciphers
01.01.2018 | |
01x09 |
Season 1 Episode 9 - Stay Frosty
11.12.2017 | |
01x08 |
Season 1 Episode 8 - About-Face
04.12.2017 | |
01x07 |
Season 1 Episode 7 - Blurred Lines
20.11.2017 | |
01x06 |
Season 1 Episode 6 - I Got Your Six
13.11.2017 | |
01x05 |
Season 1 Episode 5 - Full Battle Rattle
06.11.2017 | |
01x04 |
Season 1 Episode 4 - Zero Visability
30.10.2017 | |
01x03 |
Season 1 Episode 3 - Soldier Ready
23.10.2017 | |
01x02 |
Season 1 Episode 2 - Espirit de Corps
16.10.2017 | |
01x01 |
Season 1 Episode 1 - Pilot
09.10.2017 |
Valor TV Series trailer
News about Valor tv series
Steve Robin, executive producer of the drama TV series "Valor", announced that Season 2 will premiere in the fall of 2018.