The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 12

The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 12 release date

Find out when the 12th episode of the 7th season of The Walking Dead will be released

At the beginning of March 2017, the 12th episode of the 7th season of the zombie drama "The Walking Dead" will be aired on FOX and AMC. You can see what awaits your favorite characters, as well as find out an episode preview on this page.

The apocalyptic multi-series drama by Frank Darabont and Richard Adler in 2016 is already on its 7th season. In total, 99 episodes will be released over the course of seven seasons, and the centennial episode will begin the eighth season of the show "The Walking Dead" in the fall of 2017. The plot describes a variant of the future in which people have been struck by a terrible infection that turns a person into a zombie after death or a bite. The government and scientists were unable to do anything about it, and the infection spread at least throughout the territory of America. But the show's creators claim that the main idea is to show the relationships between people, not the zombie apocalypse.

Announcement of the 12th episode of the 7th season

The residents of the town of Alexandria are fighting for survival not only against bloodthirsty zombies and the virus that turns people into them, but also against other people whose cruelty and greed may doom humanity to death. Former sheriff from Atlanta Rick Grimes tries to protect his children as well as a group of survivors with whom he has been wandering around the state for several years. But Negan does not tolerate a smart ass and tries in every way to show that he is the unnamed king in this situation.

An interesting fact is that initially they wanted to cast actor Thomas Jane, a friend of Darabont, for the role of Rick, but he declined due to another project on HBO. Soon after, Thomas admitted that he regrets his decision, as the current actor, Andrew Lincoln, became very popular thanks to the role of Sheriff Grimes.

The TV series "The Walking Dead" is an adaptation of the eponymous comic, which was first released by Image Comics in 2003. However, the events in the show and the print edition do not quite match: for example, in the comic, the Governor deprived Rick of his right hand, which did not happen in the TV show.

Episode Promotional Trailer

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