The final episode of the show "Black Sails" by the Starz channel will be aired on March 26, 2016. This is of course not the end of the wonderful pirate series - the continuation of the project for the fourth season became known long before the premiere of the third part.
In late July 2015, during a press conference, Chris Albrecht, the director of Starz, announced that the channel's plans included not only the release of the third season of "Black Sails", but also the fourth season. According to Albrecht, this project is the highest-rated and most successful for the channel, so viewers won't have to wait long for the continuation.
The fourth season of the series "Black Sails" will be released on January 21, 2017. As before, we can expect 10 full episodes, the titles of which have been changed to Roman numerals.
In the third season, Captain Flint wreaked havoc on the New World. Together with John Silver, they were a terror of the seas until a new threat turned them against each other. Meanwhile, Charles Vane and Jack Rackham will try to secure Nassau for the rest of their lives.
The series "Black Sails" tells the story of the golden age of piracy in 1715. The most famous captains and ships gathered together on the island of New Providence, which they want to turn into their own bay, independent of Britain. The premiere of the first season took place on January 25, 2014, on Starz.
When will Season 4 of Black Sails be released
Ep. number | Episode name | Release date |
04x01 |
Season 4 episode 1
29 January 2017 |
04x02 |
Season 4 episode 2
05 February 2017 |
04x03 |
Season 4 episode 3
12 February 2017 |
04x04 |
Season 4 episode 4
19 February 2017 |
04x05 |
Season 4 episode 5
26 February 2017 |
04x06 |
Season 4 episode 6
05 March 2017 |
04x07 |
Season 4 episode 7
12 March 2017 |
04x08 |
Season 4 episode 8
19 March 2017 |
04x09 |
Season 4 episode 9
26 March 2017 |
04x10 |
Season 4 episode 10
02 April 2017 |