Metod Season 2 Episode 9

Metod Season 2 Episode 9 release date

Find out when the 9th episode of the 2nd season of the Method will be released

On the First channel, the 9th episode of the 2nd season of the series "Metod" will be shown in January 2021. Watch what awaits the main character in the continuation of the show.

The series "Metod" is directed by Yuri Bykov at the film studio "Sreda," under the guidance of producer Alexander Tsekalo. During its airing, the show won a golden award at the New York Film Festival in 2016 and entered the top 100 mini-series according to Kinopoisk. Part of the script of this crime drama is based on real criminal cases that have occurred in Russia and the former USSR over the past 50 years.

Preview of Episode 9 of Season 2

The actions transport viewers into the life of Rodion Meglin, an experienced investigator. He unravels cases like it's a piece of cake, even the most hardened maniac is no problem for him. And his secret is very simple - he is an undercover operative. But he tries to use his animalistic inclinations against the same maniacs as himself. His inconspicuous clean-ups go unnoticed until he is partnered with intern Esenia. From there, the countdown begins to the revelation of his identity. But the girl falls in love with her mentor, so she doesn't see that she is communicating with a typical maniac up close. This happens until it's too late.

The main role in the TV series is played by Konstantin Khabensky (Meglin), Paulina Andreeva (law school intern Esenia), Alexey Serebryakov, and others.

The script for the detective series "Metod" for Channel One was created by Dmitry Ivanov and Oleg Malovichko. The first season premiered on Channel One on October 18, 2015, and aired in the early hours with 2 episodes every Sunday.

Episode Promotional Trailer

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  • Rating: 9.0 / 36 10
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